Saturday, January 18, 2014

Torque Resource

In this video, Mr. Hewitt explains Torque. By showing that an L-shaped piece of wood will either stand straight or topple over, depending on how it is positioned. Torque is equal to the force multiplied by the lever arm. Torque IS NOT equivalent to force! Lever arm is the distance from the axis to the center of gravity. With the L-shaped wood example, Mr. Hewitt shows that if the object's center of gravity is supported, it will stay standing up. However, if there is no support for the center of gravity, the object will fall down. This video is really helpful!

1 comment:

  1. Like my post, this one is a quick 10 minute long lesson on torque. I like those kinds of resources, especially because they mostly explain themselves. One thing that was different from mine is that, well, you can see the person giving a hands on demonstration. One question I do have is: Who is Mr. Hewitt? I have never heard of him before, and he seems to know a lot about physics.
