Friday, February 14, 2014

Machine Recourse

In this picture, I drew two mice using a pulley system to lift up pieces of cheese. The mouse on the left has almost a whole block of cheese, and the mouse on the right has the sliver that is cut out of the block. The mouse on the left has a longer rope and more pulleys while the mouse on the right has a shorter rope and has one pulley.

The machines in this picture are the pulleys. What a machine does is reduce the force it takes to do a job. Notice that it reduces force and NOT work. A machine does this by increasing the distance it takes for complete the job, making the force smaller. We know that this happens because workin=workout. this means that force-in*distance-in=force-out*distance-out.

Since the left mouse's rope is longer, that mouse can pull with less force to get the same sized cheese (it is not the same sized in the picture) up than the mouse on the left has to. The big block of cheese signifies that since there is more distance to cover, the left mouse will be able to pull up a larger piece of cheese than the right mouse.

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