Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Unit 1 Reflection

In this unit, I learned about acceleration, velocity, netforce and equilibrium, inertia, and using graphs and equations

Important measurements to remember are...

Time= Seconds
Force= Newtons
Distance= Meters
Mass= Grams/ Kg
Velocity= Meters/Second
Acceleration= Meters/Second^2

Important equations to remember are:

Acceleration Equation
Velocity Equation
How Far:
d= (1/2)at^2
d= vt
How Fast:

Important definitions to remember:

Netforce- the total force acting upon an object

Equilibrium- when netforce is equal to 0N; either when an object is at rest, or at constant velocity

Acceleration- how fast something is speeding up 
mathematical--- acceleration= (change in velocity)/(change in time)

Constant Acceleration- going faster at a constant rate

Velocity- how fast an object is moving over a period of time

Constant Velocity- keeps same speed and direction

Inertia- an object's non-wanting to change states (is measured by an object's mass)

Newton's 1st Law- "An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. An object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force."
Things to remember:

  • You can accelerate while keeping the same speed only when going in a circle without changing speed.
  • Cannot have changing speed and have constant velocity.

o   A= raising velocity, constant acceleration
o   B=raising velocity, increasing acceleration
o   C=raising velocity, decreasing acceleration

  •  Difference between velocity and speed is that v requires a specific direction and speed does not
  • Vectors are arrows and they show magnitude and directing
  • When something is at equilibrium, net netforce is 0N because all the forces a constant and opposite.
  • The force of friction upon an object will always be equal to its opposite force, unless the object is constantly accelerating

What I have found difficult about this section is the problem solving questions. I feel that I didn't show my full potential with them, and get frustrated when I start on the "right track" but then think that I am over thinking it, and do something, ignoring the facts that are right in front of me. How I am overcoming this is really making sure I can "see" the problem in front of me. I feel like the problem is potentially simply solved (at least for me), but they are just a bit tricky. I plan to fully understand why answers can and can't be, and to not "x-out" answers just because I "think", without any concrete proof, they are wrong.

I think that I did well in this unit. I always did my homework before class, I understand the material, and I am consistent with my work. I started off kind of rough, not wanting to be in this class, but once I found my niche, I am much more confident about my skills. I can grasp the concepts easily, which makes me feel good, rather than bored for when I grasp a concept, I put an effort to help others who might have a hard time with it. This helps me understand the concept more, helps others understand the concept, raises my confidence, and helps me with finding helpful ways to explain things (which is both helpful in class and on my blog). I have increasingly and surprisingly enjoyed the blog posts, which I find helpful as well as fulfilling, for I can really tell what my progress is and isn't. It helps me discover what concepts I REALLY know, and what I need to work more on. 

My goal for the next unit is to be more organized. I have barely used my binder and only put things inside my book or in a place in my room. Over the long weekend, I plan on organizing all of my binders which will help me in all of my classes.

I find it easy to name connections between physics and the outside world, or I feel a day doesn't go by when we don't talk about where concepts show themselves and how. An example of inertia is the tablecloth trick. An example of accelerating while keeping the same speed is going in an exact circle at the same speed. It is really easy to connect physics to the outside world because it is basically dealing with the outside world.

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